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Please take a moment to check out Jack's recently released book. The front cover and information regarding it are just below.
Also, check out the pages above to get to know Jack.


        Mystic Chords is the inspired autobiography of Abraham Lincoln, with

all the events, people, and dates being historically accurate, as well as the relationships he had. Groundbreaking and revelatory, it accurately chronicles, with a very personal touch, the many hardships and losses endured by the boy, the young man, and the eventual leader of a deeply divided, fragile republic. 


       Related in his own voice, Lincoln as narrator invites the reader to relive each moment of levity, love, and loss, right beside him. Not one to sugarcoat the facts, as he puts it, you are treated to both his dominant “better angel”,

as well as his bouts with melancholy and anger.


       Despite all the anguish and the unimaginable agony of being forced into leading the worst bloodshed ever seen in American history, Lincoln’s great gift of storytelling and humor shine through it all. More than anything else, however, it is his huge heart and renowned honesty that makes

this unforgettable journey so full of joy.


What folks are saying about Mystic Chords:


Rave reviews from Professional People

“Lincoln is charmingly captured in his own words, thoughts, and deeds, in this highly original, impressive work.”

– George R. Goethels Professor Emeritus, University of Richmond, editor of Lincoln’s Legacy of Leadership textbook​

“Unique and entertaining.  Kudos to Mr. Schuler for this fine book! Anyone who has an interest in Lincoln will enjoy it, and even quite a few who have not delved into the man's life.”— Charles  Tabb bestselling author of Floating Twigs and president of The Virginia Writers Club.​

 “President Lincoln tossed his words into the future (our present) where we sorely need them. Jack Schuler caught them and worked them into a book relevant for today. Well done!” – Dr. Helen Montague Foster, author of The Silent Hen, psychiatrist, and professor at VCU​

“A highly enjoyable read that includes a fascinating examination of how Abraham Lincoln used humor to deal with his own dark times and those of our nation.” -  Ann Woodlief, English Professor Emeritus , VCU, author of In River Time: the Way of the James


Rave reviews from Positive People

 “This book is so well written that you soon feel as though Lincoln himself is sharing his life story with you. It provided me with many laughs and a lot of new information. This is the best book I have read in years.” – Jean King, Connecticut, long time English Teacher​

“Mystic Chords definitely captures the mind, the spirit, and especially the heart of Abraham Lincoln! The reverence for Lincoln that I already had has grown exponentially, thanks to this unique, and highly enjoyable addition to the Lincoln Library. I recommend it to both those who appreciate a great story, and especially to those who thought they already had the full story of what made Abraham Lincoln who he was.”

– Joerg Wiedeker, Germany, entrepreneur and literary critic​

“This book is truly a delight! It is as informative as it is humorous, but always clear on its intent to preserve the authentic character of one of the most revered men in history. The author has done a superb job in conveying the subject's thoughts and translated it into a very entertaining read worthy of anyone's time up to the last page. Thank you for writing this book !!!” – Ron Parawan, Florida, Nurse Practitioner​

“This book was recommended by a friend. My only regret is that my English is not good enough to appreciate all the writing. I don’t know much about American history, but reading this book was a very pleasant way of learning something about a great figure of US history (in action). If all history books were written in this style I would have enjoyed my history classes very much.”

– Theodore Aumont, Paris France, restaurant owner and avid reader


Raving mad reviews from Profane Critics â€‹

“It is inaccurate, inane, and insubstantial. Being so deeply offensive to me personally, I hereby challenge Lincoln to a duel!"

 General George B. McClellan, head of the Unions army and thorn in Lincoln’s side​

“This here proves what I always sayed: ‘no damned good ever comes from books!” – Thomas Lincoln, Lincoln’s father in name only​

“I object! On the grounds that never before have so many words been compressed into such a small idea!” – Stephen Douglas​

“Lincoln is an infidel and a heretic. He and his book will surely burn in Hell!”– Rev. Peter Cartwright

For more information or to order a copy of Mystic Chords on Amazon simply click the Explore button below.

Contact: email Jack at

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